Originally Posted by wdmso
Where in the constitution is a fetus mentioned or considered an citizen
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Nowhere. It's not mentioned anywhere.
Which means, like abortion, the question of the status of the baby
gets decided by the states.
Game. Set. Match.
Boy, did you walk into that one and lob me a softball.
On what basis is there another stage of development that makes more sense to call it a person. Conception is the one moment when something spectacular happens, when something gets created that literally wasn’t there a second ago.
if you pick, say 15 weeks, there’s no logic to it. the baby is no different on the last day of the 14th week, than it is on the first day of the 15th week. But it’s sure different before and after the moment of conception.
I think about this exact issue a lot, and i’d be genuinely curious to hear your reasoning why you’d pick a point other than conception to call it a person.