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Old 07-07-2022, 02:53 PM   #1
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Fleecing the faithful

Trump’s new money-maker: political speeches to fans

The former president makes millions appearing at events that resemble his political rallies.

Trump’s head on a muscular, shirtless body, were attendees who paid $55 for a pair of tickets as “citizens,” a general admittance option. At the front, closest to the doors guarded by Secret Service agents, stood a “presidential” tier who shelled out $3,995 each.

Paid presidential speeches are nothing new. It’s nice work if you can get it,” said Mark K. Updegrove, president of the LBJ Foundation and author of “Second Acts: Presidential Lives And Legacies After The White House.” “The difference here is Trump is doing this under the guise of a political rally. There might be a little deception there.”

His followers are suckers and what cult of personality
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