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Old 08-04-2022, 07:31 AM   #23
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More about the GOP move toward authoritarianism

Tuesday underscored that denying the 2020 election results is a prerequisite for winning office in many Republican races. GOP voters in Arizona supported candidates who said they would take away voting machines and voting by mail and who have said they might even refuse to certify 2022 or 2024 election results.

The GOP also has spent the past year ostracizing the few left in their party who want to investigate the violence of the Jan. 6 insurrection and trying to oust them from Congress

And Evidence keeps emerging of candidates’ links to extremism. Supporters or sympathizers of QAnon — the sprawling set of false claims that coalesced into an extremist ideology — abound in these congressional primaries.

Trump allies are putting together plans to replace nonpartisan civil servants with loyalists in government, should he win office again.

Republican voters increasingly view the Jan. 6 insurrection as “legitimate protest” rather than a “riot.”

And figures such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban — who recently warned that Europeans must not “become peoples of mixed race” — are being celebrated in some circles of the Republican Party.

It all suggests that the Republican Party’s driving animus in the era of Trump isn’t policy or even ideology. It’s a more authoritarian take on government that democracy experts worry could slowly erode it.

And of course these experts and concerned citizens who dare criticize the dear leader Trump or his mini me Ron omg drag queens ! Or all the other behaviors listed will be dismissed by those who look in the mirror and See a freedom loving Patriotic American. need to give Snow White her mirror back

Will be dism
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