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Old 08-30-2022, 05:24 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Wow that’s funny, you think we have formed an opinion based on what others “claim”, that’s a classic Trump defender dodge. I’m pretty sure we have based our opinion on what facts the DOJ has made public. It’s NOT disputed he took a lot of highly classified documents. It’s NOT disputed the NARA asked for over a year repeated to get them back. It’s NOT disputed Trumps lawyer told the DOJ all had been returned. It’s NOT disputed the FBI found lots of classified documents, so Trump and his lawyers lied. Its pretty easy to either agree with those facts, or put your conspiracy theory hat on to suggest it’s deep state again, what may be up for dispute is whether the DOJ has the fortitude to charge a former president. In my opinion (see how easy that is) the DOJ doesn’t have much choice, it’s either the rule of law applies to all, or it allows for future discretions.

Republican don't accept or see Trump as the captain of the ship whose duty is "The captain goes down with the ship" is a maritime tradition that a sea captain holds ultimate responsibility for both their ship and everyone embarked on it, and in an emergency will either save those on board or die trying

All his issues are created conveniently by everyone else
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