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Old 09-22-2022, 05:52 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
it's fun when their bombshells blow up in their faces....

Let's get real - if they thought they had Trump they would have filed a criminal case, but they have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. A civil suit is a preponderance of the evidence. They had no criminal case. They chose civil "fraud" to impress dumb people.

Bill Barr...the left's new darling for criticizing trump recently...

"Bill Barr calls New York's Trump lawsuit a 'political hit job': Former AG calls $250 million case a result of 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' - and dragging his children in his a 'gross overreach' Barr said she filed a civil suit because she 'doesn't have the evidence to make a criminal case' "

Funny it was fine when they did the same thing to OJ

So Trumps special FYI there is more than one way to skin a cat under the law .. so they bear responsibility for thier deed

But it appears the faithful only respect the law when Trump uses it to obstruct and delay any from of accountability

Of course Scott we don’t read a comment about Trumps behaviors?

One would conclude you support his tax cheating.. but of course you’ll reply you never said that
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