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Old 10-06-2022, 09:10 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
dear like news from Britain

The U.K. Cracks Down While the U.S. Doubles Down on “Gender Affirming”

"American lawmakers need to follow the lead of another country and put the brakes on “gender affirming” procedures for children.

Health officials in the United Kingdom are acknowledging the damage being done by pushing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones onto children at exactly the same time as the Biden administration is demanding that education and health professionals endorse these “affirmative” treatments or face penalties.

The contrast between the direction of gender-related policies in the United States and the U.K. could not be starker. The U.K. is shuttering its sole “gender clinic,” Tavistock, following a comprehensive review, while the U.S. is opening scores of new gender clinics, following the refusal of the American Academy of Pediatrics to conduct a review of the evidence.

The U.K., along with other European countries, started widespread use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children identifying as transgender almost a decade before clinics opened in the U.S. for the same purpose.

With that extra decade of experience, European health officials have accumulated more evidence of the long-term damage being done and have started to reverse course.

The U.K. review led by Dr. Hilary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, noted that gender clinic “staff have told us that they feel under pressure to adopt an unquestioning affirmative approach…” in which children’s claims about gender dysphoria are not carefully examined and underlying mental health issues are not properly addressed before prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

The review also expressed concern about the gross over-representation of girls and children on the autism spectrum being recommended for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. If the rise in prescribing these drugs were simply a matter of children feeling freer to express their true selves, rather than the result of social contagion and recruitment among vulnerable groups, then those treated would better reflect the broader population.

It is increasingly clear that we are witnessing a dangerous craze among children with mental health challenges rather than the liberation of the sexually oppressed."
Scott clearly you didn’t read the review you posted some ones commentary. Not news

Love your sources

The U.K. is shuttering its sole “gender clinic, No they are not

The National Health Service in England announced on Thursday that it was shutting down the country's only youth gender clinic in favor of a more distributed and comprehensive network of medical care for adolescents seeking hormones and other gender treatments.

Then the story morphs into the usual pattern unrelated to the topic not in the review

the Biden administration is determined to step on the accelerator, governors and state legislatures can pump the brakes by raising minimum ages for who can receive these treatments and imposing stricter liability on practitioners who place children’s life, health, and fertility at risk.

State policymakers and school officials can also pump the brakes on “social transition” in which children change their names and pronouns, which is often the gateway to the “medical transition” of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and eventually surgeries.

State laws should ban schools from using names or pronouns for children that differ from those listed on their birth records without the written permission of the parents. Such a ban would prevent school staff from facilitating social transition in secret from parents and without their consent.

more Christian Right nonsense posing as a News

Children and young people accessing the NHS deserve timely and supportive services, and clinical staff with the training and expertise to meet their healthcare needs.

Not all children and young people who are exploring their gender identity require clinical support from the NHS. However, some young people whose gender identity differs from their gender assigned at birth can experience extreme distress; this is referred to by clinicians as gender dysphoria. These children and young people need clinical support to help them understand the options available to them and to provide appropriate treatment.

She doesn’t sound like she is against it? But she’s all for appropriate treatment.. who could disagree. I know who. freedom loving Republicans holding money hostage in order to advance their morals on others.
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