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Old 10-13-2022, 10:16 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
You still don’t know what sanctuary city is do you… And clearly don’t understand border states get paid by the Government and their economic model are based in immigration

Only you would be shocked there’s not a lot of extra bi lingual teachers or housing for suddenly available seeing 17,000 asylum seekers have been bused from areas with the infrastructure design for them over the past 70 years

But let’s use people as political pawns. seems they are the only immigrants Republicans find useful

Districts across the country have teacher shortages Not just in NY

Never seen it this bad’: America faces catastrophic teacher shortage

Another outrage story shocking

"border states get paid by the Government and their economic model are based in immigration "

You're saying the feds pick up the entire tab for the effect of illegal immigrants? The model is based on illegal immigration? Since we have no idea how many illegals are living here, I am very skeptical of that which you just stated.

"Only you would be shocked there’s not a lot of extra bi lingual teachers or housing for suddenly available seeing 17,000 asylum seekers"

I'm not the least bit shocked there's no infastructure. Lack of realistic infastructure, is one of the many reasons why I oppose illegal immigration. If liberals want to be sanctuary cities, that encourages illegals to cross the border, so they should be wiling to take their share. Funny that Chicago, NYC, and the Vineyard, these residents all like to say they want illegals, but they don't want to have to deal with them personally.

Where are the schools, housing, food, police protection, social services for all the illegals Wayne? If what you're saying is true, that means there are empty houses, empty classrooms with idle teachers, empty medical clinics with nurses with no work to do? Sure, Wayne, sure. Shuold be easy for you to support that if you didn't make it up.
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