Thread: hmmmmm...
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Old 10-21-2022, 06:51 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
he seems very spiteful and vindictive lately
he’s seeing the same data you and i are, he knows what’s likely coming, and he can’t just accept it. None of them can accept and process anything that doesn’t serve their agenda.

What’s in that Kool Aid, anyway?

In 2008, the gop suffered the worst nationwide political defeat either party has suffered in my lifetime. They just got creamed across the board. No tantrums, no riots for sure, they just figured out what went wrong, and what they needed to do, to claw their way back. The tea party was formed and the gop came roaring back like an avalanche

That’s how you respond to failure. You learn from it. But that’s one key feature of liberalism, it requires the ability to never be influenced by results or empirical data. this is why, for example, democrats in CT can still say with a straight face that higher taxes and more state spending are the path to prosperity. That fact that it’s producing disastrous results for 40 years, somehow doesn’t matter to them. All that matters is protecting The Narrative.

When you fight against the nuclear family, and claim fewer cops and no cash bail are the answers to crime, and that there’s no downside to having an open southern border with Mexico, you have a mental disease. It’s like arguing against gravity.
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