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Old 11-23-2022, 10:00 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Teachers are great. Teachers unions are evil, that's not an exaggeration in my opinion. They bankroll campaigns of corrupt democrats, then partner with governments to enrich the union while making children more ignorant. Teachers unions could teach the mafia lessons about greed and corruption.

When I taught, it was in a rough middle school in a rough town. Lots of fights in the hallways between classes. One day the principal asked teachers to stick their heads into the hallway for the 3-5 minutes we had between periods to look out for trouble. Who wouldn't agree to that? The union. The union sent us all letters demanding that we refuse to do that, because the taxpayers weren't paying us to work for the 3 minutes between periods. The union demanded we get paid more for doing that.

Then, some business donated a few ping pong tables to the school. I am a ping pong master, so I agreed to start a ping pong club at the school. There was no money to pay me, but I didn't care. I did it for free. The union sent me another letter, demanding that I stop volunteering my time, they demanded that the school pay me or no club. I told them to go f-ck themselves.

Then during covid, unions refused to go back to work unless all kinds of demands were met.

Now my 3 are in catholic schools. No unions. The difference in culture is night and day.

We get it, your union made you wealthier than you ever could have been without them. But there are two sides to that story, the other side being what taxpayers have to do, to fund what unions demand, and what they get thanks to whores in the democrat party who are owned by the union.

Crappy parents are the biggest obstacle to offering good education to kids. Teachers unions are a close second. You cannot oppose school choice and say with a straight face that you care about the quality of education we offer kids.

Teachers Unions are all about $$, and it's never ever enough.

Pompeo called the union president "the most dangerous person in the world", which is an idiotic thing to say. But her union is doing catastrophic damage to generations of children, enriching themselves at the expense of the kids. That's what teachers unions do. Take resources away from kids and put that money in the union bank accounts.

Teachers unions are great for teachers. They are catastrophic for students.

The democrats need more from the unions now. Their second biggest donor, after George Soros, is that con man whose crypto company just went kaput. He gave huge $$ to democrats. If he were a Republican megadonor, you'd have made 10 posts about it.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-23-2022 at 10:34 AM..
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