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Old 11-27-2022, 07:40 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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wayne, say the average CT public school spends 20k per kid as you stated.

Let’s say i get $3k of that back, which i use to send my kid to another school. Since you said it’s my responsibility ( not the teachers’) to educate my kid.

My kid is better off.

The public school is also better off, because they can keep the other $17,000 and use it on the smaller number of remaining kids. Fewer students,,more
money to spend per kid, smaller class sizes in the public schools. so those kids are also better off.


Youre opposed to the idea that i can use my own tax money to educate my own kids. Yet you are ok with the idea that you confiscate more of other peoples money to help pay for your kids student loans.

Funny, you said it’s the parents responsibility to educate their own children, yet you support the idea of forcing everyone else to help your family repay student loans that you chose to take on. If you believe what you said, that educating your kids is your responsibility, how can you be ok with asking everyone else to repay your kids student loans?

that’s called “wanting to have it both ways.”

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-27-2022 at 08:15 AM..
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