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Old 11-28-2022, 09:14 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Pete is afraid that school choice will ruin public education for poor people.

I can make a compelling argument that lack of school choice has already ruined it. In Baltimore, among 13 public high schools, recently there were zero students meeting accepted grade proficiency in math.

Zero students hitting math proficiency, at 13 high schools.

Pete would force kids to stay in these failing sh-tholes. I say they’d deserve much better, and the problem won’t be fixed by giving raises and more perks to the teachers there.

Jim and his conservatives friends love using inner cities as their examples from gun violence to education to overall crime

It’s all they have ever done . There is example after example across the country what school choices means for Conservatives. Things called data and statistics. But their dismissed as fake news

Claiming it’s to help the underserved is just another lie told with a straight Face in public ..

Right on the Texas Republicans website

Republican Party of Texas legislative priority

The Problem
Parents are not able to give their children the educational opportunities they desire.
Parents don’t have ownership over their tax dollars being used for educational funding.
Some solutions lead to greater problems since they require tax money to be given to the government from some and then distributed to others — an unfair system that creates unwanted government strings.
The Solution
Distribute educational funds in a manner that they follow the student to any school, whether public, private, charter, or home school through means of tax exemptions and/or credits.

Then you get a list of what to say on social media’s

Sample Tweets:

I stand for #schoolchoice. Let my money follow my student.
I’m a parent who’s asking for my tax dollars to follow my child to the school I choose. #schoolchoice
Texas parents have a right to choose the best education for their children. Let my money follow my student. #schoolchoice

Letter to the Editor:

Here’s a sample letter to the editor that you can customize, personalize, and submit to your local newspaper. An ideal time is when this subject comes up in the news. Be sure to check and follow your paper’s guidelines for length and submission.

Yet this same party is banning books attacking trans youth and their families claiming teachers are indoctrination sites for children. There trying to defund a system to benefit their small base who wants tax money to send their kids to religious schools

It’s all here ! Republican candidates are platforming nationwide calls for “parents’ rights” and school choice. They want curriculum posted online and for parents to be able to opt out of certain lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. Many oppose lessons they feel are too closely tied to critical race theory, an academic framework that looks at the roles of race and racism in U.S. history, law and institutions. They also want taxpayer dollars to flow to private and religious schools.
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