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Old 12-05-2022, 08:49 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
It's like seeing the xmas classics, Jim loves to bring back his greatest hits.
Log on, lob insult, log off and hide...

I do have some greatest hits I guess, and why is it that you guys can't respond to them? Why can you only toss vague insults?

Why does the GOP (despite hitching their wagon to Trump, despite the unpopular SCOTUS ruling on abortion, despite nominating some godawful candidates, despite the media, big tech, and the FBI working for democrats) still have a majority in the house, at least 49% of the senate, and a robust majority of state governorships and state legislatures?

Why is that?

If I'm such a duped simpleton, shouldn't you be able to answer that question in a way that destroys the argument I'm making? Shouldn't that be easy for you?

If you can't begin to respond, doesn't that mean I have a point?

What states are people fleeing, what states are people fleeing to?
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