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Old 12-05-2022, 04:27 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich are comparable to Trump?

Only if you hate all republicans wayne.

liberals never use accusations and pessimism when painting all conservatives as white supremacist hatemongers

Most americans care about issues and results, not endless character smears. if you look at which party controls what, it’s hard to conclude that we’re not a pretty equally divided, if not a slightly center-right country. I don’t say that only because i like it ( though i do like it), i say it because i don’t think the facts can be taken any other way.

Most people don’t want abortions into the 9th month, they don’t want their daughters being forced to change with boys in girls locker rooms, they don’t want taxes higher than they need to be, and they sure don’t want to be told their kids can’t have normal childhoods because of covid. at the same time, americans don’t want anything to do with trump, they don’t want abortion bans in many states, they don’t want so many AR-15s. .

Taking all that into account, the gop is in a slightly better spot right now.

Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich are comparable to Trump?

Jim each one worse and more extreme than their predecessors

All supported By the party and people whom care less about issues and results, But love and cheer endless character smears.

and if you dont see this your not paying attention

liberals never use accusations and pessimism when painting all conservatives as white supremacist hatemongers

thats funny Jim your paroting right wing talking points

get back to us when GOP leaders Stop supporting via silence and elected leaders stop being seen white supremacist stop Bashing Gay and Transgenders people 24x7 for votes then maybe independents liberals and moderate republicans will stop calling Trump's GOP white supremacist hatemongers....because their not trying to Hide it

GOP candidates unleash wave of ads targeting transgender rights
The explosion of campaign advertising coincides with a sharp increase in legislation to limit LGBTQ rights in states led by Republicans. and people saw them for whom they are during the midterms .. But the GOP members in the house will double down on stupid
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