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Old 12-05-2022, 04:51 PM   #48
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
FBI warned them specifically about misinformation regarding hunter.

of course jim you left out they warned all platforms about Russian disinformation and misinformation

keep making things up that Trump's FBI was trying to Help Biden win LOL

After His current suspended the constitution comments maybe the FBI and the CIA should have made sure he never made it down the escalator the 1st time

He is a Direct threat to this country's National security with a cult who would install as POTUS by hook or by crook ... and they tried and will try again... But but Hunter is all you talk about

Funny how that works
"Trump's FBI was trying to Help Biden win LOL " A senior agent was in trouble for letting his politics cloud his judgment wayne. You think that when Trump was potus, all FBI agents were Trump voters?

Here is BIdens FBI director, saying the FBIs actions regarding the Hunter sage, were "very troubling".

WHat am I making up? I posted quoted from Twitter saying the FBI told them disinformation was coming, posts from Twitter and many other media outlets saying it was a mistake to call it russian disinformation, and right now posting quotes from Bidens FBI director. SO please tell me, what am I making up?
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