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Old 12-15-2022, 10:32 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Well you could ask Jim, but his answer would be, tell me what conspiracy theories I believe…….I’ll wait. Or ask RR, but then you would be told to go F yourself. There are others who mask it in the belief the left deep state controls everything in order to maintain power, believing the 6th was necessary to stop them, yet still wrapping themselves in their belief in the constitution.
so if you accuse me of believing in crazy conspiracy theories, it’s not valid for me to ask you which crazy theories i agree with? That’s not a legitimate question?

democrats believe republicans hate women, and that the world was supposed to have come to
an end already, and that hits a great idea for men to share bathrooms with women, to compete physically with women, that the solution to crime is fewer cops, that everything is about race, etc.

Ample craziness all around. No shortage on the right for sure. i never claimed otherwise. All i claim is that there are more good public policy ideas in the right. Not that there are better people on the right, or smarter people. You guys are the ones making that claim.
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