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Old 12-19-2022, 10:10 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
If you posted actual words instead of YouTube, maybe you could change minds
But The Deep State Is Real
But it might not be what you think.

Perhaps you missed it, I did post actual words in my response to Wayne. And, anyway, an interview on YouTube consists of words as well as the facial expressions of the interlocutors.
And if I use my own words, I'm often accused of pontificating.
Funny how that works--you post long lists of words but those folks don't say you pontifcate.

So, I figure posting a video won't discomfort those folks with my pontificating. And it's easier.

At a conference in mid-July, Barack Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, remarked that executive branch officials have an “obligation … to refuse to carry out” outrageous or anti-democratic orders from President Donald Trump. The comment quickly caught the attention of Rush Limbaugh, who saw nothing short of a threat to the republic. “He practically called for a coup!” the radio host bellowed on the air a few days later, warning of a plot orchestrated by “embeds in the deep state at the Pentagon, State Department, various intelligence agencies.”

Embeds in the what? A year ago, the term “deep state” was the province of Edward Snowden acolytes and fans of paperback espionage thrillers. Today, Limbaugh takes it for granted that his millions of listeners know what it meant.

The rest of the story
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I don't have much disagreement with what's said in the Politico article. Nor do I think Whitney Webb would either. I brought up the "deep state" in responding to Wayne because he made it an emphasis. But her book and the video was about far more than the deep state.
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