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Old 12-28-2022, 10:58 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i think gorsuch has a point, but i don’t know if we know that covid isn’t still a crisis among people
who are crossing illegally.

in any event, unlike you, i don’t expect those on my side to tow the line 100% of the time. i like people who think, not sheep who bleat what they are told.

I love Gorsuch.
I don't think Wayne understands what legislating from the bench is. Gorsuch was doing the opposite of that. His choice was to strike down a policy, not create one.

And he also pointed out even though the border crisis, in his opinion, was no longer a Covid one, that it is still a crisis. Don't see how any of that makes him a Rino as Wayne implied. Republicans ("Conservatives") would agree with Gorsuch that, in his words, "We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.” As well, they would agree, as they have been vociferously saying, that the border situation is a crisis.

Democrats (Progressives), on the other hand, for the past hundred years, have acted as if the Court should create policies. And they have a problem with admitting that there is any unusual crisis at the border--nor do they seem anxious to stem the tide of border crossers.
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