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Old 01-04-2023, 07:50 AM   #38
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I find. It odd Republicans are all over Tik Tok which have all the security flaws of Twitter and content yet

GOP Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin told NBC’s “Meet The Press TikTok is an addictive drug China’s government is providing to Americans, says the incoming chairman of a new House select committee on China.

As GOPers ban TikTok, they’re not keeping that same energy with Twitter
There seems to be an obvious reason Republicans are banning TikTok from government devices but not Twitter, which carries many of the same security risks.

What isn’t clear, though, is how these security issues are materially different from issues on social platforms Republicans tend to love these days — like Twitter and Facebook.

Both of those platforms, for example, have well-documented histories of being used by foreign governments to manipulate and demoralize Americans. Whistleblowers from both companies have come forward with damning claims. If the GOP were concerned about influence from foreign governments, you’d think more of them would decry the fact that the Saudis have openly touted their investment in Elon Musk’s Twitter.

The FBI is concerned that the Chinese government could use TikTok to influence American users or control their devices.

So let me get this straight the GOP trust the FBIs views on TikTok

Yet the FBI is in bed with Twitter

As I’ve said The Twitter-FBI story relies far more on insinuation than evidence
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