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Old 01-17-2023, 11:47 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Classic Detbuch. Page after pages of how he loves the constitution

Well, maybe you haven't noticed, but I have discussed "page after pages" of stuff other than the Constitution--a lot of it was with you. Not sure how you missed that. Well, yeah, I can see how after witnessing page after pages of you responding to me by changing the subject or accusing me of saying stuff I didn't say.
It's as if I wasn't really there and you were talking to yourself. As if you were beating your own dead horse.

And, since the Constitution should be the ultimate basis of political decisions, why is bringing it into a discussion on a political forum beating a dead horse? Perhaps you think it's not very relevant and politicians should just be able to do whatever you want them to do.

But suggest Trump and his supporters never tried to overturn the election ..

I never said they never tried. I have said, specifically, that they tried a legal process.

I’ll bet someone was disappointed when it failed
Well, not disappointed, never really thought it would work (for various other reasons than legality).

So what was wrong with the video I posted to start the thread . . .? On the other hand, forget about it or you'll just beat your own dead horse.
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