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Old 01-18-2023, 08:42 AM   #247
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Now wait, Jim claims he despises Trump the man, but loves his policies, so he loves the decisions resulting in that bump in debt?

Also the debt ceiling was raised 3 times while Trump was in office

Saw this

New species discovered: Republicans who (sometimes) care about deficits

Breaking scientific news: Researchers have identified a previously unknown species in D.C. Like cicadas, this species stays underground for years at a time, typically in four- or eight-year intervals. Its members hide away until there is an auspicious change in the ecosystem. Then, they bust out and wreak havoc.
This species: Republicans who care about deficits.

From 2017 through early 2021, members of the species lay dormant. Coincidentally, though, a nearly identical-looking sister species, Republicans who love debt, ruled Capitol Hill in their stead. With unified control of the House, Senate and White House, these debt-loving Republicans gleefully spilled red ink across the nation’s capital and beyond.
The GOP’s budgetary bloodletting began with a 2017 tax cut that cost $1.8 trillion. Their fiscal rampage then continued over the next few years, mostly on the other side of the ledger. In fact, between 2017 and early 2020, President Donald Trump added roughly as much to deficits through new spending as through tax cuts, appending his signature to more than $2 trillion in unfunded spending program expansions, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

During all that time, there was rarely a peep from the right side of the aisle about deficit concerns. The debt limit — the statutory ceiling on how much the federal government can borrow to pay off its existing bills — was raised several times with little fuss, and no conditions. No one tried to hold it hostage.

Then, the ecosystem changed. Specifically: A Democrat reentered the White House

No one’s is shocked and its not usual the GOP and their supporters suffer from amnesia
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