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Old 01-30-2023, 02:14 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
democrats refuse to discuss fixing our cultural cultural problems, our lack or humanity and family values.

There it is again the leave it to beaver Mentality

And some how Jim your telling us. the GOP and the Christian right are holding the High Ground on Humanity and family values…. In the United States

Man you live in a fantasy . And a good soldier in the GOPs Culture war army
Wayne, the gun is an inanimate object. It doesn't do anything on its own, it cannot do anything on its own. I am very sorry if that simple truth upsets you, and equally sorry if it doesn't paint your agenda in a positive light. But that's your problem,. not mine. What I said is true, and it's not an inherently partisan fact. Facts don't care about party.

Your post was long on insults, short on logic and facts.

There's much of the 1950s I'd never want to return to (mostly due to your side engaging in brutal racism and segregation). But in terms of family units, and the way we cared about each other? Light years better than today. Again, don't take my word, look at the data in terms of divorce rates, fatherlessness rates, etc...

The people who make up the GOP are as flawed as the people who make up the democrat side, it seems no matter how many times I say that, it still goes over your head, it's beyond your grasp. The policies each side supports, are not similar. Your side doesn't like the idea of requiring medical care for babies born alive. That speaks for itself, 1 of 210 democrats in the house supported that bill. One. Good luck with that.
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