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Old 02-01-2023, 05:41 PM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
You need to educate yourself on the militarization of the police and stop being a blind police fan boy.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Most Americans, including a majority of President Donald Trump’s Republican Party, support sweeping law enforcement reforms such as a ban on chokeholds and racial profiling after the latest death of an African American while in police custody, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Thursday.
That was in 2020

Police are like teachers there going endorse who ever is going to give them money That’s why they backed Trump he was going to let them off their chains

After a year of protests over police brutality, some Republican-controlled states have ignored or blocked police-reform proposals, moving instead in the other direction by granting greater powers to officers, making it harder to discipline them and expanding their authority to crack down on demonstrations.

Accepting the police endorsement in July, Trump tweeted: “I will ALWAYS back the men and women in blue, and never let you down. LAW AND ORDER will prevail!”

How did that work out for him .. the GOP would love to have a police state .. while claiming it’s to keep Americans safe
you’re saying police endorse republicans now, because republicans are giving them. ire money then democrats?

Please prove that wayne. That’s absurd nonsense. Democrats are still
way more pro union. but police have had enough of being called racist assassins by democrats.

You’re an absolute, shameless
liar. prove me wrong. show me some data to support your statement that republicans want to give more money to police than democrats. Stupidest thing you’ve said in awhile.

wanting to ban chokeholds isnt the same thing as constantly telling the country that police are racist. you’re saying that’s as far as the left wants to go with police reform? please…

lord almighty…

for the 5th time now, who was congresswoman Bush calling racist?

If cops are white supremacists, then you’re an Aushwitz prison guard wayne. that’s all you are. Just hired muscle for the Klan to keep the darkies in line. if you agree with Bush, then you agree with that. Can’t have it both ways.
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