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Old 02-02-2023, 01:31 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
so your the Republican mayor of Bridgeport what’s your plan besides blaming Democrats? I am guessing like most so called principled republicans you don’t have a plan .

I honestly don't get how you can have absolutely no idea what would be a good plan.

The facts are clear, we only need to do 3 things to practically eliminate poverty.

Graduate high school
work full time
don't make babies until youre 21.

That's it, it's that simple. SO I'd do what I could, to incentivize and encourage people to make these decisions, and reduce incentives to make the wrong decisions.

Liberals think everyone is better off if the government sends them money. But it removes the incentive to work. It's common sense, but if you are devoid of common sense, the results make it obvious that it's the case.

Liberals think it's smart to pay young girls to have babies, and to pay them extra if they aren't married. Why would you then be surprised when there are more fatherless kids? It's common sense, but if you are devoid of common sense, the results make it obvious that it's the case.

The liberal motto seems at time to be, "if it feels good, do it". Well, it turns out that's short-sighted and stupid.

And if I was mayor, I'd go after drug dealers the way the Barzinis went after Sonny Corleone at the toll booth. Brutal and old school.

It's not even partisan. It's a normal, rational, problem-solving reaction, to the irrefutable data. We know what works, and we know what doesn't work. So you incentivize what works, and you provide disincentives for what doesn't. It will be a lot more effective than blaming honkeys and cops.

Instead of asking me what my plan is, ask the democrat mayor of Bridgeport, :why isn't that your plan"?

It's a lot easier in the short term, to say to the citizens of Bridgeport, "there there, it's not your fault, vote for me and I'll give you more welfare than my opponent, and welfare is what you want, you don't want to have to go to work".

It's not easy. It's very hard to do. But it's simple.

Get educated.
Work hard
Dont have kids until youre married and over 21.

Regardless of race, people who follow these unbelievably simple rules, have extremely low poverty rates. That's true whether you like it or not.
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