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Old 02-10-2023, 05:04 PM   #181
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
If everyone responded to every question you asked John would need a new server. I have never felt the need to respond to everything I see or asked.
Here's the thing, Paul. It took you twenty times longer to type that nonsense, than it would have for you to just answer yes/no to my question. Twenty times the time. You typed 28 words to explain your cowardly dodge. If you really cared about John's server, wouldn't you have just answered my question with a yes or no? After all, it was a yes/no question.

So it has noting to do with how long it would take you to answer, or John's server space. You're just too cowardly or dishonest (I can't think of a third option, sorry) to answer.

What exactly is in that Kool Aid? Some potent, powerful stuff. Wow.
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