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Old 02-10-2023, 05:45 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Yes sir. And the republicans are no better at all, in this regard, than democrats. They may be worse, because at least the democrats don't lie when not in power about promising fiscal responsibility if elected.

All of us, both sides, need to re-think the kinds of people we elect to represent us.

Have a good weekend.
The larger the size, scope, and power of a government, the more money it takes to maintain itself. Our Federal Government has constantly and continuously enlarged itself, and has accordingly gotten deeper in debt. What budget conscious people consider "waste" is a necessary expense for those in power to maintain and grow that power.

Who we vote for is no longer the answer for getting rid of "waste" in the Federal Government unless We the Voters want to take back the power that has been snatched from us, and become far more responsible for our lives and destinies. That would take a different kind of people. It would take a people more like those Americans of 1776.

We are not those people.
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