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Old 12-12-2003, 11:31 AM   #2
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I had it, but it was the classic symptoms. I noticed what seemed like a spider bite on my thigh driving to work one day. By the end of work it was annoying enough that Ilooked again and it was red, the size of a softball and warm to the touch. I suspected, but wasn't convinced. That night I had chills and a fever and was convinced. The doctor took one look and there was no doubt in his mind. I was on Amoxacillin for a long time and that was it. The disconcerting thing is you have to assume the amoxacillin worked, because apparently, having had it once, you will probably always test false positive. The horror is you could contract Lyme's, possibly not suspect it and later on that's when it can really hurt you. Treatment sooner rather than later is key. And there's no loss for information on the internet.
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