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Old 02-10-2004, 10:00 AM   #21
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: S. Yarmouth, MA
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I didn't know there were such a bunch of hopeless romantic fishermen here. Renews my faith in some of the reasons I like visiting the site and will enjoy spending time with everyone on the 21st.
I was in dire straits financially when the time came for me, paying off school debts while working trimming and delivering caskets in factory out on LI. It was a long distance relationship, too, but one day we went together and she picked out something she liked, knowing full well she wasn't marrying Richy Rich, but then I paid it off in dribs and drabs; seemed like forever before that I would take it off that jeweler's hands, but finally I did. She waited patiently for it but never knew when it was coming. Then finally just before Xmas one year I paid it off and hopped a train to NJ. She searched me as I got off the train as she did everytime, looking for it ( I had hid it in my sock). So knowing the Hyatt in Princeton was pretty decked out I suggested going for a drink. Everyone was all festive there and we went up a few levels to look down on all the decorations. While her back was to me I took out the box, and got down on one knee. She turned and knew immediately and shreiked "Yes! Yes! Yes!" before I could finish getting the words out, "Will you marry me." She made such a commotion that everyone looked up and then they applauded. I almost lost it I was so happy. Rates up there as one of my best days with her. It didn't matter that it wasn't a surprise, but had I had the money I sure might have tried that angle. What's important is that you both want it and you make it happen the way it's best for you.
(BTW-C5CC that is a really great story of yours).
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