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Old 08-18-2004, 11:42 AM   #22
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not my intent to dictate, Point taken. Intellegent discourse is healthy. Your right everyone has their opinion. I'd like to win some of the naysayers to his side. I think he is misunderstood. Your right and I am totally biased. No one has approached that record since and no fish has encountered as much scrutiny. I dont know if I posted this already
"It was the most examined fish they ever had. The went to painstaking detail of fact . This fish was under a magnifying glass since it went to Cambells shop. I caught the fish and put it in his freezer box and that was the last I ever seen of the world record.
They Named him Bert the Bass because he was gonna be examined as a patient and needed a name. Dr Nomi and Demayo were bone doctors in Northfield or sommers point New Jersey. sombody named it bert the bass but it should have been Alberta because it was a female. The two Drs. with their medical licenses and reputations at hand to examine this fish and pronounce with the xrays beyond a reasonable doubt the fish had no foreign matter it was all cartiledge flesh bones and scales. 78 .8 pounds'.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I appreciated the feedback.
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