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Old 08-18-2004, 01:35 PM   #28
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Tri state NY,NJ,Pa
Posts: 63
To the Big shots

I dont give half a dump what you think.
The SWS is a great story of the catch. Not negative or sad at all.

What do you think stripers247 stands for. This is what we are. This is what I am stripers 247.
What do you think my motive is?

My intent isnt to get you guys mad .
If it was a blue or a flounder we wouldnt even be discussing this.

Because it is a record that has'nt been broken in 23 years it is quite a compelling story. years later why is everybody so angry or jealous still? I find that part facinating.
Al hasnt had a mail box or a web site before to tell the story. He would like to answer all the questionss and make personal apperances and fish with guys who would like to go fishing with him. And judging by the his loaded email box I think there is an awful lot of positive support for the man. Which Im very pleased about.
If a couple of Bozos think its a negative portrayal. so be it. Go catch a fish.

This is fun for me, and until I, m banned from a silly web forum. I will keep responding to the BS.
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