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Old 08-18-2004, 09:27 PM   #36
Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist
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Re: To the Big shots

OK, you are really going out of your way to be a jackass here aren't you?

Originally posted by stripers247
The SWS is a great story of the catch. Not negative or sad at all.
So the article paints a much better picture than the crap you posted here today? I will still read the article but I have less faith in it the more and more you show your true colors around here. You got what you wanted, more traffic, a little notoriety and some more exposure. Hmmm, seen this all before . You did not come here to set the record straight, you came here for the same reason you came here the last time =

HOPEFULLY, you will not have give Al WORSE trouble because of your antics here and seeing that you are such a class act, other places as well. The more and more that this thread unwinds, the more you look like a jackass and you probably couldn't give a crap if that reflects on Al McReynolds one way or the other. I just hope you are not just one more in a long line of people with the intenion of screwing Al for your benefit. Hmmm, the fish does it again, eh?

What do you think stripers247 stands for.
This is what we are. This is what I am stripers 247.
What do you think my motive is?
Stand for? Spewing crap on other Striper sites 24 /7 ? Certainly not any kind of balance in the finer points of Netiquette. Let's see, we'll spam another bigger fishing site, generate some extra hits at Al's expense, and then we'll piss off everyone and still smell like a rose.... I've seen this often before and if it is what I think it is, you are lower than bluefish scum. I really hope I'm wrong but I doubt it...

My intent isnt to get you guys mad .
If it was a blue or a flounder we wouldnt even be discussing this.
Fortunately those record holders have not had jerks acting on their behalf.

Because it is a record that has'nt been broken in 23 years it is quite a compelling story. years later why is everybody so angry or jealous still?
You think people are jealous? Today? Most of us are in awe of that.

Al hasnt had a mail box or a web site before to tell the story. He would like to answer all the questionss and make personal apperances and fish with guys who would like to go fishing with him.
I'd like to fish with him. Say hello, wet a line. Great territory to fish up there too - SandSled or Rock Hopping, colder deeper water in tight to shore too. Bass country. You know, if I ever did fish with you Al - I wouldn't need to put it on the front page of the site and post it on every forum in every corner of the interblab... But hey, that's me. I've learned my lessons there.

Jim - you fish with Al yet? Do you fish?

And judging by the his loaded email box I think there is an awful lot of positive support for the man. Which Im very pleased about.
Good for him

If a couple of Bozos think its a negative portrayal. so be it. Go catch a fish.
I think it is a sad story, that I've seen before in a few places, plus On The Run (where DiBenedetto establishes himself as much more a class act than you have), and StriperSurf had something at one point. Anyway, if you think that we, as members of this site are putting a negative spin on this. I see little to show me people here trashing Al. I see some questions, some people not convinced yet, and I see more than a few people very supportive and sympathetic of the guy. The biggest negative I've read so far is the crap that you're pouring - independent of what Al is saying.

This is fun for me, and until I, m banned from a silly web forum. I will keep responding to the BS. [/B]
You're shoveling the BS pretty good on your own and I'm getting tired of letting little Jimmy play in this sandbox. You disrespect others and stir crap and I sincerely believe you are doing this for YOUR gain with YOUR site and Al is getting screwed. Yet again, because of that fish, someone taking advantage of him. I SINCERELY hope that you're just being a RICHARD here and are going to treat Al honestly but I'm not convinced of that.(I really want to swear here but seeing that I just banned swearing, again, &^$#@ &*%^$# ...)

Now, as being the chief cook & bottlewasher, I could bounce this guy but being that we're a "silly web forum", all us angry and jealous people can vote to send OpticalRectumitis247 on his merry little way... Purely from a registration rules standpoint he's broken a few.

For Al McReynolds - 247 mentioned that you have an access to e-mail. YOU can feel free to e-mail me any time. And I'm being sincere when I wonder if Jim Hannan is someone else just taking you for a little joy ride. Hopefully he is a stand up guy in your case. I've been doing this occasionally stupid "fishing internet" website stuff for 7 years and have owned and run my own site now for over 4 years. I've seen a lot of people with agendas or plans like Jim come and go. Keep one hand on your family jewels and the other on your wallet. Good luck and regardless what Jim Harran says, we're not out to throw you under the bus, hopefully he is not either. Maybe he treats you and others well and honestly - but around here, he's an idiot.

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