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Old 11-18-2004, 10:11 PM   #30
I fart in your general direction!!!
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Take a look at AAA, gas was $2.05 2 mo before the war. I payed $2.08 a few days ago.

As far and the guy down the street from you did you hear him shoot a gun?
We know Iraq had WMD'S. He used them on Iran and his own people. Personaly I prefer to let a dead dog lie not drag him around the ring trying to win best of show so maybe you should stay away from the WMD thing.

Also if you dont want to believe there is a link between Iraq and OBL and are willing to ingnore all the meeting that took place between representitives of both, How would 3 diferent GPS units from OUR SERVICE MEN KILLED in the first gulf war end up in Afgan??? 1 in the hands of the Taliban and 2 at OBL'S training camps.

Not trying to start a fight, just trying to understand your position.



"Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."

Go Yankee's
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