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Old 11-30-2004, 02:54 PM   #43
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 72
Only the druggie stoner types want that chit legal so they can smoke it.

Well I think it should be legalized and I am an engineer with a Master's Degree. So what does that make me? Have you ever had a friend or family member with cancer who has gone through so much chemo and all the pills they given them for nausea have more side effects then the one problem that the pill is "supposed" to be helping with. If something as simple as an herb that can be grown naturally and does not have to be processed or chemically derived can help to lessen that nausea and given them a little bit of an appetite enabling them to eat(yes getting the munchies does help them), then I am all for it. And as others have said tax the hell out of it.
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