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Old 12-06-2004, 07:06 AM   #1
All up in the Interweb!
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: In the dog house.
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Angry Dirtbag theives!

So I go to my truck this morning at 6 am to warm it up. As I walk to my truck, I notice the light for the glove box is on. I never leave this open, so I am a little confused. I go to open the door, and find it is not closed completely. I look into my truck and notice everything in the glove box, center console, and cup holders is strewn all over the front seat. Well, I forgot to lock my truck last night and someone went rummaging through my stuff. They must have been looking for cash, because they left my Oakleys, a few 100 CD's, the key to my truck, my check book, 2 green penn 704's, korkers, a pile of plugs, garage door opener (which would have gotten them access to a few $1000 in plugs), and a bunch of other valuable stuff just sitting there. The only thing they did take was 2 packs of cigarettes. I guess I won't forget to lock it from now on!

Co-Host of The Surfcast Podcast

"Out there in the surf is where it's at, that's where the line gets drawn in the sand between those who talk fishing and those who live it."
- a wise man.

One good fish, a sharpie does not make...

Certified rock hopping billy goat.
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