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Old 01-11-2005, 10:43 AM   #12
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OK, I'll be the downer in this thread. I just have not been able to get into the show at all, but my wife would side with you guys 100% and makes me watch because she controls the remote when it's on. Like last night, can anyone tell me why Jack had to go into the convenience store and take everyone hostage just to buy some time for the satellite feed? Why didn't he just slit the guy's tire and get back in his car and wait? Is it just me or does the new woman in charge at head quarters seem to be asking her people to do just a few too many inappropriate things. Speaking of which, I was re-reading a couple articles in OTW while it was on and may have missed, but did the black dude ever come back to take his little torture device off Bill Devane's kid? CSI New York is about all I can handle these days.
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