Thread: New compressor
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Old 01-25-2005, 10:24 AM   #1
fishing bum wannabe
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The new compressor is LOUD! Loud enough to startle me when it kicks in. I need to locate it further away in the basement and run an air hose. However, with it and 45lbs pressure I have been able to spray Binz primer! With the help of a hairdryer to setup the paint between coats I was able to prime and paint 7 Surf Howdies in three paint schemes in a little more than an hour and half. One scheme, 2 coats white Binz primer, 2 white base coats, pink pearlescent sides, white pearlescent overall mist, blue metalic sides and back, dark blue metalic back, black shadow around eyes and a red chin, (10 separate coats) would not have been possible with rattle cans. That would have been a 2 or 3 night project, plus none of the subtle shading of the metalic pink or pearlescent mist. The other schemes were simpler but still had a minimum of seven coats, although the first four were shared by all the plugs. All had a touch up coat (or 3) as I learn how to use the air brush. I will post pics tonight.

I hope I have acheived my goal of an odor free finishing process. The rattle cans gave off fumes which made me less than popular with the rest of the family. The water based solution gives off none that get upstairs. The Envirotex is also relatively odor free. Only time will tell on the durability of this combination. Although I made some 30+ pencil poppers 2 years ago with the Binz primer, brushing rather than spraying, and there haven't been any problems with that batch of poppers (other than most of them were HOed and I need to make more). The only reason I stopped using the Binz was the brush marks from the application. It took a lot of drying time before I could sand out the brush marks and recoat.

fishing bum wannabe
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