Thread: Joke for today?
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Old 04-08-2005, 06:56 AM   #530
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A Red Sox fan used to amuse himself by scaring every Yankee fan he
saw strutting down the street in the obnoxious NY pinstripe shirt. He
would swerve his van as if to hit them, and swerve back just missing
them.One day, while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he
would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, "Where are you going Father?"
"I'm going to give mass at St. Francis church, about 2 miles down the
road" replied the priest. "Climb in, Father! I'll give you a lift!"
The priest climbed into the passenger seat, and they continued down
the road.
Suddenly, the driver saw a Yankee fan walking down the road, and he
instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back
into the road just in time.
Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard
a loud "THUD".
Not understanding where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors
but still didn't see anything. He then remembered the priest, and he
turned to the priest and said, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Yankee
"That's OK," replied the priest, "I got him with the door"

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