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Old 08-31-2005, 01:44 PM   #5
Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist
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Hello Prince of Darkness....

But the EPA did remove all polution controls for the next couple weeks

This is just a subset on what is wrong with the eltie in business today and the elite in that big house with the white columns....

God I love this country and my fellow Americans, but I now loathe with a passion the effin "brain trust" running this country.

Fuel has gone from $25 a barrell to over $70 in 4 years and it is blamed, primarily, on purchasing competition from China and India and a little of our glutonous usage.

We are waging a war that may or may not have been started as a mistake, (bad intellignece of a bad bill of goods?), err, I mean democratization of Iraq to create democracy in the Middle East (I truly hope but I am not as hopeful) to create the next Islamic Republic, eff up after eff up by the current Administration's brain trust, trying to push reality (while ignoring often pragmatic adive from people that have SUCESSFULLY managed issues like these) through a neo-conservative playdough prism. If you tell yourself a lie often enough you will start to believe it.

If you say Nucular for god know how many years instead of Nuclear (even though it is one of the pillars of engery for an energy guy), you can get away with it...

And before anyone jumps on my stink, I will not tow a party line. I don't look at this as a right or left issue, I feel it is a glaring lack of competence on the part of this administration that has fumbled item after item and pushed stupid agenda after stupid agenda. They have spent the goodwill and support of the American people and the world on one colossal eff up after another. Had there been a different person / team at the helm, say a McCain or someone with integrity and competence at the helm.

This is not new for me, I have been feeling this since before we went in to Iraq (though I supported it based on the bill of good sold) while even suspecting that this was a planned event for some time. I am just running out of patience. And to think someone thought I was a right wing nut....

Damn, I went off tangent on that rant. Oh yeh, the oil compaines are making money hand over foot. Never have they made this much. I wonder if they offshored (as in over seas) their offshore platform and refinery engineers??? Back to work....

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