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Old 09-02-2005, 01:25 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Iwannakeeper you say you want a revolution....wwww....eee..llllll...lllll

So we all want a revolution. That should go smoothly. Aside from the sheer number of deaths that would result from both sides. Lets assume the freedom fighters win. Now you think the future political leaders could come to a solution.

One side is still going to lean left, the other right. Sure you might find plenty willing to meet in the middle ground, but I think you might find that people are sort of opinionated.

If I was going to agree to a revolt. I would want to make sure that we went back to our original constitution and original government.

I do not want my $$$ seized through taxation and then redistributed to the less fortunate. If anything was going to cause me to revolt it is the wealth redistribution and most other social programs. I don't want welfare in my new government. I do not want socialized medicine. I do not want any more Socialism in my new government. I want to basically close our borders. I want to be an isolationist. And that is just one example.

Do you think the people of this country could collectively come up with a better system?

We have done it a couple times already. National sales tax is long overdue and junk the IRS too many loopholes and tort lawyers. Socialized medicine here could not be compared to countrys who have it and are less fortunate and not as terchnology endowed as we are. It could work and should be. Natiuonal defense is needed more now than ever in the last 60 years but our focus must be on the new conflict not the old military doctrine. Our enemies are invisible and we must find a way to make them visible and when found leave not a trace of thier ever have walked this planet. Religion must be looked at and the affect it has on the minds of those who are easily swayed by preachers in 1000 dollar suits or turbans who seek to control thier very minds and hearts. Respect, kindness and caring for each other must be the national priority not the passages of the bible as defined by tel-evangilists. If I had to say what I believe in most those three things are my guiding light. God or whatever force there is I am sure would agree with those fundemental values as a guide for everyones lives. Pat Robertson and Osama Bin Laden are not really that far apart in thier methodologies.

Above all, the truth plain and simple is what is easily brushed aside in govt. these days.

I do agree that it is now time to close our borders, rethink our national path and put America and Americans first.

Why even try.........
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