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Old 09-02-2005, 10:31 PM   #28
Bass Babe
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Originally Posted by Homerun04
Bush lovers
We need some humor.

If I owned a helicopter, or even a hummer, I would pack up as many sandwiches, saltines, water, and whatever I could to take down there. With what little effort is being put forth down south, it makes me want to go there personally, because -- What are my tax dollars doing? What are my charitable donations doing? They're not helping those people, as we can see. Look at the TV and read the papers -- this is our own country. Everyone should feel guilty, not only the government -- we're sleeping in beds, eating, fishing -- and doing what for the victims? We need to call our representatives and senators and tell them to get as much as they can down there, and get it there yesterday. That won't take too long. We need to take whatever effective steps we can to help these people, and then we can type online about how much it sucks...while we're sitting comfortably in our homes. Our homes.

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working. ...Wait a minute, my work IS fishing. Sweet.
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