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Old 10-15-2005, 11:29 PM   #18
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 4,446
Bomba Bro's, you see us on the beach,
Always fishin where the others can't reach.
I always go till my body gets numb,
Look out for Mikey with a hook in his thumb.

We comb the OB's for Dave and for Larry,
We look for Fred and sometimes find Barry.
They sing for joy when we pull into the packy,
Cause Mikey buys up all the Twisted Tea.

We pose for pictures, man we are grubs,
And we try hard to ho all of yo' plugs.
If you see us walking alone and out far,
It's only cause we threw the other out of the car.

We like to sing, we like to dance...
Hey I think #^&#^&#^&#^&ey just took off his pants.
If your lookin for help just say the word,
Mikey's a ninja at unhookin a bird.

We used to hand with a guy named Meals,
Mikey's number one at attracting the seals.
Next time you see us on the beach at night,
Stay out of the way Bushwacker Bombas on the right.

Careful of Mikey if there's a tourney,
He'll get all mad and punch you in the knee.
Kayak, pluggin, or on the beach
Bomba Bro' where you can't reach.

Peace Y'all, I'm going to bed.

John Redmond Thinks He's Smart By Changing My Avatar
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