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Old 02-20-2006, 04:08 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Slammer223
Gosh,I hope that's not how it works.Are we maybe being a little too cynical?Isn't there any benefit when these big stores come to an area?
When towns or states give tax breaks to businesses/industry there is the benefit of more jobs but generally only for the term of the tax break then the business/industry decides to try for mor tax breaks or threatens to leave, they usually do the latter and take the jobs with them. The towns/states are left to deal with the abandoned property and unemployment. If BPS or Cabelas aren't making enough profit to expand then let them think twice about expanding.
Also for thosse who use BPS an d Cabelas for tackle purchases now do so without paying any sales tax. If either of these two sores come to Mass. then you'll have to pay sales tax even when ordering online. Just some morre fuel for the fire. Ron
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