Thread: Deadliest Catch
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Old 04-22-2006, 05:34 AM   #25
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Greenhill Rhode Island
Posts: 102
Have some experience on the western and eastern style draggers out of Stonington & Point Judith.
Nice in the summer (but the price is always down).
Rought in the winter (price always better).
Was a love/hate thing to say the least.
Besides what they show on TV (very real!) there are other things that they can't really come across with in full effect.
Simple things like needing a tooth pulled,,, can get interesting when at sea for several more days in rough weather,,, tearing up gear and repairing,, no sleep,,, and when you get back to the dock you find the price of your catch isn't enough to make expenses! So the next trip,, off the top comes the previouse trips expenses.
Then there's the family thing. Can't plan on attending functions like weddings, funerals, holidays (except Christmas), and such. Divorce is very high with fishermen. Understandably,, it's got to be very difficult for the wives to face running a home and family single handedly for days/weeks at a time. Often when the guy comes home it's in the early hours of the morning,,, get some sleep,, back to the boat to unload, grub up, get fuel, ice, make repairs, clean, etc. because you're leaving again around midnight to do it again while you know where you left the fish, and hope they're still there when you get back. Fortunately, my wife knew all about fishing and could deal with it. Many couldn't or wouldn't.
No picknic that's for sure.
Just like farming,,, but many miles from Drs., solid footing,, and worst of all,,,,,,,, COLD BEERS!
The "Perfect Storm" while a interesting story,,, fell way short on accuate details (irked the crap out of me). like when the guy went out and cut loose one of the "birds",,,,,,,,,,,,, If the hold was as full as expected the danged thing should of just about rolled over on them big seas. That one in the water is like a big sea anchor. Just not done. and many other scenes were equally poorly detailed.
Deadliest Catch is good,,,,, very good even with some seriouse censoring and clippings.

Last edited by riarcher; 04-22-2006 at 05:44 AM..
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