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Old 04-26-2006, 09:07 AM   #1
Ake G
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Southern Maine
Posts: 178
Envirotex Lite drying temps...Options?

It's going on a week and the finish is still soft. I'm guessing they mean what they say about 72 hours @ 70 degrees. I don't keep my shop heated when I'm not in there, it's around 50 degrees usually.

Has anyone used other finishing options that don't require a plug to be on the turner for 24 hours? I know it looks great when it's done but this stuff is a real P.I.T.A! How does Afterhours do a big run of plugs w/this stuff? (It LOOKS like etex on the AH needle I'm holding!)....

I know it tends to yellow, but anyone ever try spar varnish? Any other product recommendations?

Any trade secrets would be appreciated Salty, Tattoo or JHabs if you're reading this! Thanks , Ake.
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