Thread: Poison Ivy!!!
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Old 04-26-2006, 11:41 AM   #9
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Prednisone dose pack - clears up the MEANEST stuff in a few days. Not something you want to take on a regular basis.

Now imagine breathing in the smoke from poison ivy bushes.

Yrs ago my Dad took a nap in a pile of poison oak - eyes swelled up so bad he couldn't see ....... still took a while for it to clear up - couldn't work for a good week or so. After that I made it a point to learn what the stuff looks like.

Here is a piece of info: poison ivy is one of the first plants that will grow in a newly disturbed/cut down area. So that means when you see the sides of the highway cleared or the brush around your favorite swimming/fishing hole - user beware.

Co-workers hubby got it on his genitals when he was going to the bathroom (his wife STILL calls him itchy...... lol, she wouldn't let him near her for months afterwards?!).

Some people can eat the stuff and it doesn't bother them. I wish I could do that. I wish I could drink alcohol as well - another curse I was born with. (my mom and her dad are the only two who can drink).

Yeast is amazing stuff - lots of nutrients in it: IF you can get past the smell &

Ray 'md2020'
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