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Old 05-03-2006, 06:18 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by choggieman
#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&, my issues are with ignorant people who have no reguard for the enviroment. Anybody who does not take into consideration his actions and how they will affect there surroundings is a simpleton. Someone who would do something that is potentially hazardous to an ecosystem without reguard to the long term effect is an ass. I guess a simple mind will think " how big a livewell I will need" where as the rest of the world may ask " what will my happen if this fish is introduced into an ecosystem and wreaks havoc upon it."
My example of the black salty competing with the american eel was just that, an example of what could happen. A more realistic scenario would be to say these fish become a predator of striped bass eggs in a spawning ground like the susquehanna flats. Without thinking before hand you set yourself up for certain failure.
As for being on someones couch..its ignoramuses like you that may land me there some day. Simple minds like yours drive me insane. The inane drivel reminds me of when I worked with the special olympics. But I guess if we didn't have people who think like you, we wouldn't have anyone to dig ditches.

Ok so a guy walks into a tackle shop and says "I would like a dozen Black Salties" Clerk says "Sure" Then the guy hesitates, puts his hand to his head, takes a big puff on his pipe, furls his eye brows and says.."Wait a minute there young fella", "before you load one goldfish into that bucket , I have some deep rooted concerns that just became apparent to me in an epifany"

Clerk looks at his comrades and shakes his head "uh-oh".........

Yes sir! the clerk says! "I am afraid to use those goldfish" " In the two seconds I have been here my mind has begun racing with the thought of the ecosystem degrading into the abyss if I dare to hook one of those things, there could be grave imminant danger to the fragile ecosystem,! "because I am an adult, but I have a tendancy to dump untold numbers of baitfish into freshwater areas after I am done fishing" "I cant help myself, Introducing goldfish like baitfishes to these places is an urge I cannot resist" "Therefore I simply cannot purchase these in good faith"........."I lay awake at night with mishevious thoughts and visions of marouding goldfish eating untold numbers of bass eggs on the flats someplace"

Accoring to you the above is how a "normal person thinks" most will not be stupid enough to toss them into fresh water

You know I never dug a ditch, plenty of fence post holes but never a ditch.Simple minds? Please never underestimate the power of the handicap!

I am indeed a savant! A "bass-savant" I have been gifted with the ability to catch large numbers of huge linesides My narrow shallow mind tells me Black Salties will catch untold numbers of bass, I can't think beyond that, My livewell is to small, somebody please help me, I need a new livewell, please can you help me out.....I just want to catch fish.

The simple one here is you.........Where in any of my posts did I say "I dont care about the enviroment? I just think a shrink can help you with your goldfish problem....

By the way, people who dig ditches have more respect from me than people who wear a suit and tie and steal money from people..Like big oil.........I know a few guys who put there kids though higher education from digging holes...Hard work. There the real people!You dont measure a man by what he does for a living, you have just offended ditch diggers near and wide

Go live line a Choggie...................

Last edited by eelman; 05-03-2006 at 06:24 AM..
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