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Old 05-13-2006, 12:23 PM   #1
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Posts: 13
Assess this situation for me- HUNTER

Let me set the scene for you. I live in Franklin on an acre of grass that is surrounded by state owned woods. There are about 25 acres back there and I know people hunt in there. It is surrounded by private properties so a hunter would need permission from a land owner to go thru their property to get to it.

Yesterday my wife was home alone with our toddler and our neighbor called and said there was a hunter in the yard. He was about 5-8 feet in the yard on the grass, so not in the woods, and about 40 feet from my home. The guy was in full camo with a large gun (I don't hunt so I couldn't tell you what kind of gun it was). My wife said he didn't have on any orange what-so-ever. She yelled to him to get off the property that small children lived here and that if they saw him they would be afraid. He just said ok and left. Ok, there is a huge swinget in my yard, so it is obvious that children live there, why would he come close to our home with a gun? And after he left the neighbor told my wife that he had been looking in our windows with binoculars. She was very clear that he wasn't looking around but straight at our house. My wife called the police and they came out. There was nothing they could do because the guy was gone but they did say that it would be a great cover for a B&E. We were initially just assuming that it was a hunter trying to find where he was but then the whole binocular thing... And what are people hunting this time of year?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated because my wife and her friends who live on the street are now freaking out.

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