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Old 06-06-2006, 07:35 AM   #13
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Warwick RI
Posts: 2
Just saw this. I'm a pc tablet hardware specialist. Well, I was until I got laid off last week. Anyhow, First - Turn it off! The individual keys can be pulled or popped off I used to use a letter-opener or a butter knife. Be very careful not to break them while doing this. They will be stubborn, but they will pop off. Take a que-tip with warm water and clean around the areas on the keyboard that are sticky. Wash the individual keys in warm water getting all the sticky stuff off the bottoms and sides of the keys. Make sure not to use a lot of water, you don't want to soak it. Snap the keys back on. Its the sugar in the Coke that's going to make them sticky, all you need is warm water to dilute it.

She said I needed a hobby we could both enjoy. Anyone know where I can get a vibrating captains chair?
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