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Old 06-28-2006, 02:32 PM   #27
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I'm knee deep in trying to comprehend the 16 year old female being that occupies space in my house. She can be as sweet as sugar one minute, then a head spinning Regan the next. She wants the freedom, privacy and independence being an adult brings, but seems above lifting a finger around the house, even her own dirty dishes, and often expects that we have an endless supply cash and nothing better to do than taxi her friends around. Lately she seems to have no problem mercilously berating her mother especially in public, and it's put me at my wits end. I'm on the verge of donning my camo and boonie and pulling a g.d. Gunny Highway on her lazy, impolite a$$, but her mother won't let me. Fortunately, I've still got 3 good years with my 10 year old before teenagerdom hits.
Good luck to you, Hooked, et. al. parents of [and especially girls] teenagers.
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