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Old 06-30-2006, 01:56 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman
Fatherhood is a blast....its not that life is done, its just different.

The 1st couple of months are probably the roughest. You just brought home the little one and the only thing the baby does is Eat, Crap, And Cry, nothing else, and all at the most in-opportune times. It seems that you got no return on your investment.

But then it happens, you get that 1st real smile, not the "I just recycled some Enfamil in my Diaper" Lip Curl but a real Smile. You can see it in their eyes....there you go, there's the return on investment. Its like the most powerful drug you ever had, you will stop at nothing to get a fix of your childs smile...then when they start laughing, Forget about it, You'll be late for work just to get 5 minutes of that in the Morning.

After that for the next 3-4 years you are like the Messiah. Every time you come home you'll hear the running down the hallway and the Screams of "Daddy, Daddy" almost like you just returned from war instead of a day at the office. They'll sit with you while you do everything. That kid will follow you anywhere.....they'd stand next to you while your sitting on the Pot if you'd let them.

Then comes School, Sports, Scouts, Dance and all the other things that will eat up your time, and money....but its well worth it. And you'll do it because your still looking for that "Fix", Your kids smile and happiness. You'll be more excited about the little ones 1st goal than they will be. I'll tell you I see guys complaining about sitting through there Daughters Dance recitals, Me, I love it. She is Smiling Ear to Ear and she is happier than a Surfcaster on a 50.

Its not that You're "Done" your just different. You'll remember things that you had forgotten about when you see your kids doing them. You can come home from the worst day in your life at work and the kids will do something completely off the wall that will have you ROTFLMAO. They can go from Einsten to Curley in a matter of Minutes. They'll Embarass You and Make you Proud all in the same day. If you have a Boy You'll want to see him grow into a fine young Man and if you have a Girl you won't want to see her get any older than 5 (That is the Best age for Girls IMHO). Just enjoy the ride.

You'll see its a lot easier than you think.

Exactly TDF. Great post.

I have 3 boys all below the age of 7 and while its a lot of work (especially when all 3 of the boys are extremely active like mine) it is the best thing that will ever happen to you. I can't put to words the joy they bring (with a little aggravation time to time). Just enjoy it and your worries should take care of themselves with a little care and hard work. Also helps to have a wife who is a saint like mine - dealing with my kids all day.

Last - forget about fishing alot. I get out when I can, while it isn't nearly enough, and while I can't really pick & choose my tides, etc. anymore, there is no other choice.
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