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Old 09-27-2006, 12:59 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY
For me...
Fishing before online S-B....had all the right equipment, everyting I need to be a successful surfcaster, regularly caught fish

After S-B, a few grand$ poorer, lots of new equipment, but dont catch anymore fish....
I think you will find that if you dont get caught up in all the hype, and fish the way you always have and most importantly, Follow your gut instinct....You will catch more fish, trying what works for someone else or changing what has been succesfull for you this far is a bad move....The other thing is to follow your first choice, its always the best! We have all had a spot in mind to hit all day and then suddenly you get a phone call etc... that changes your focus...something like " hey I just heard so and so got into good fish at such and such spot" Remember stay with your initial game plan and also the rule is that Lightning doesnt always strike twice in the same spot, its almost never as good the second night! fish the area you know best and stick with your gameplan!

I f you fish plugs well and enjoy success, dont change, everyone has a "knack" for certain methods...even if joe blow is killing the fish on a certain lure, he may just have a "touch" for that lure that you will not be able to duplicate, I have seen it with the sluggo and steve, I cant fish the thing like he does, its just a touch a little something extra that is imposible to teach, I feel I have the same touch with live eels, there is more to fishing a snake than simply casting it out and reeling it in, tons of changeups, nuances etc.... Bottom line....Stick with what you do best!!
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